Feb 5, 2011
Cloudy reds, murky whites and loads of pig – BRAWN!
If you go to London, read my blog and like to drink the same sort of wines that I like to drink, then Brawn is a must the next time in your London! Brawn, the baby brother to the well-established Terroirs, is the sort of restaurant I could eat & drink at every night! A
laid back sort of place where the service, food and wine are the focus here. No fancy table cloths. This is the sort of place that oozes with passion and it’s easy to see that everyone is having a good time working there. I also want to thank the staff, especially Maxime & Louise for seating a group of our size. We were 18 people, 19 including David (the local importer of Frank Cornelissen wines), and they normally limit the size of their groups to 12. So for this, I am extremely grateful because if i had missed the opportunity to eat at Brawn, i would have been seriously bummed. Enough said.
What we drank:
Camillo Donati Malvasia Rosé / Puzelat Pétillant Naturel
Overnoy – need i say more?! too bad they only 3 or 4 bottles!
Panevino Vigne Vecchie. Again, too bad they only had 3 bottles of this beauty!
Yes, that is a Magma back there. 2007. Thank you David!
Sébastien Riffault Sancerre. A sauvignon blanc w/o cat piss…
Tenuta Grillo Pratosciutto dolcetto – too much wood influence for my buds
Olivier Cousin V V Grolleau. cool and yummy. some oak, but i like it anyway.
I have to ask Maxime what this was. Something was said about residual sugar and cheese.. But, I don’t remember tasting it.. hmmm.
Zidarich Vitovska Magnum. ok. not going to complain. but i prefer Vodopivec for this lovely, mineral grape. so sue me.
David decanting the Magma. Photo accurately depicts our vision by this time in the evening 🙂 Just one thing to say about the Magma: wait 5 years to re taste.. Oh, and thanks David! One of the highlights of the evening for sure
If I remember correctly, an unsulfured Cortese from Valli Unite BiB..? Very interesting, and a pleasure to taste. A tad green for my buds.
How i finished the evening – sharing this bottle of Ganevat (Jura) with Maxime, Louise and Ed the chef
And what we ate:
oysters, no doubt!
And let the pork begin! That country terrine was nice!
some shellfish! Great broth!!
oven baked pork on a bed of chick peas, and a bitter salad of radicchio! rustic and delicious!
Pork rinds! wouldn’t have been complete without!
Of course, cheese. If I remember correctly, all English
Apple pie? who remembers! just look at those beautiful glasses of wine!
And no night out in London would be complete without a chance meeting and greeting with the great Jancis Robinson, who obviously also appreciates the sort of wines that Brawn is serving! respect!